Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Day nine observations

A couple things I'm noticing already:

My watch is loose on my wrist. It's been on the same hole as always, but, it's looser. Can't get down to the next hole, but this is a nice thing to notice.

Belly bloat is way down. I didn't expect this as much, so I guess I was really bloated and not just fat in that area. I'm not doing any bikini photo shoots by any means, but this is a nice thing to see.

Sleep is so much better. I'm not up as much during the night as I had been. The exception being the other night when a coyote called out at 2:30am. Last night, though, I slept all night long, all the way through to my alarm.

I'm more able to get things done around the house. I have more energy! Evenings this week have been tough, I admit, with the time change and all. I am ready for bed by 8PM. I think that exercise may help this and now that I'm past the first week of W30, I'll get back to the fitness center and get my body moving. Tomorrow night will be the first of these nights. I hope.

Today I want nothing but to dive into a candy bar. I am drinking lots of ginger tea, eating my 4oz. of raw nuts that I brought, and drinking water like a boss.

I can do this.

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